Selasa, 18 November 2008


If you're a betting auto watcher, place your money in these three places: Europeans snicker at the thought of a new Fiesta sedan, Chinese and American customers suck up Fiesta sedans like reinvented sliced bread, and Canadians are a little bit interested but prefer the hatchback that many customers south of the border fear.

When Ford releases the 2010 Fiesta, you'll hear plenty of positive reviews. Expect the Fiesta to make the Chevrolet Aveo feel like tin pie plate. Meanwhile, the Toyota Yaris will become blander than ever in the light of Ford's Fiesta, and the Dodge..... oh wait, Chrysler/Dodge doesn't have a car in this segment. 

However, one can hope not too much praise is lavished upon the Fiesta sedan. Oh, it'll drive as well as its hatchback brother(s), and the interior fit and finish will likely be top notch. But man, look at that thing. True, the picture you see here is the absolute worst angle possible - that's why The Good Car Guy picked it; to make a point - but still, she ain't pretty.

They say she's got a nice personality, though. Fortunately, the hatchback mixes personality and looks.

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