Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008


Up until a few years ago, design mistakes by BMW were few and far between. In truth, BMW wasn't exactly a risk-taking car company in terms of the exterior image. Risks were left up to talented engineers in the research and development branch.

Along came a new design theory, and BMW introduced some flops. Sales haven't been hurt; although plenty of critics point to hypothetical numbers - what sales figures could have been. 

So, when BMW misses the centre of the target; the German luxury automaker basically fires completely off the shooting range. The X1 may be more successful in the metal and in another colour. But for now, oh my... the BMW X1 follows the X3 into small-SUV dreadfulness. Since it's slightly more offensive than the X3 to look at, we can hope it will at least be better to drive. Full gallery is below.

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